Dungeons and Dragons is game of creativity, imagination, problem solving, team work and co-operation

Dungeons and Dragons

In A Nutshell

A group of friends get together on a weekly basis, sitting down with a pencil and some paper. Imagination is the driving force. No idea is too silly and no matter what happens, there’s a dice roll for it. The players choose what to do, how to do it and when. The Game master (GM) creates the world around the players, resolving action and consequences. Like a referee at a soccer game.


Who can play?

To put it simply, DnD is a game for everyone. No matter what age, gender, culture or background, there’s a campaign out there for you. In a digital and disposable age, where square eyes and nerd neck runs rampant, there’s no better time to get a group of friends around a table and let the night run away with stories of intrigue, mystery, adventure and heroism.


What do I need?

Only your brilliant mind and a pencil. We bring the character sheets, the dice, the play mats and anything else needed for a session. We can come to your home, local library, school, office or even your shed. Wherever there’s a table, we can role play.


How do I play?

That’s where Your Local GM comes in! We guide you through the entire experience from start to finish. Whether you’ve never even heard of the game, all the way up to being an expert - our GM can help you.


How long is DnD?

This is a tricky one. Generally we will start a campaign or rather a story arc where you go from zero to hero. These campaigns can last from as little as one night (Quickfire Session) all the way up to multiple years! Each campaign is played out in sessions that last for about 2-4 hours at a time. 

If you want to do an epic 6 month campaign, played once a week for a couple of hours - we can do that! If you want to play for just one night, to test the waters - we can cater to that too! No story is too short or too long. You tell us what your availability is, and we can get it sorted!